Saturday, January 19, 2013

Home....and Where I'm At

Today is a day I really wish I were home.

This afternoon my entire family will be meeting in VA Beach to honor my grandmother.  She died back on Jan. 5 as I was boarding the plane to come to Lima.  Although it was a relief to see her journey of sickness of physical limitations come to an end, it was bittersweet to be leaving the country as she left this world.  Today it is bittersweet because I never planned to miss her memorial service.  I always assumed I would be there to honor her and celebrate her life.

Well, I'm not there.  But I can still celebrate her life :)...not only today, but always as I remember and talk about her.

"My grandmother is crazy!"  This is what I would always jokingly say as I began describing her.  She was fun and funny, always livening up a room with her bright presence.  She didn't blend in with the crowd - usually because she was the one instigating something or making a joke - but also because she was beautiful and full of zest.  She had the capacity to make the funniest facial expressions that would leave me cracking up....she was just plain fun.

But more than just fun, she was passionate.  Passionate about things that I, too, love....chocolate, Tar Heel basketball, baking, etc, etc. But she was passionate also - and much more fervently so - about her relationship with God.  She would belt out praise songs in her car (her singing voice was less-than-stellar....perhaps something else I inherited from her) with one - and sometimes both - hands lifted up in worship.  Even when I was a young child, she would talk about how awesome God was.  She modeled a relationship with him not only with the way she would passionately talk about him, but also with how she would spend her mornings praying, studying the Bible, and listening to worship songs. She was a leader.  She was passionate about leading others to study the Bible and know God more.  She made it clear that nothing - not her husband, not her kids or grandkids, not even Tar Heel basketball :) - came before God in her life.

What an example.  What a blessing to have memories beginning way back in my formative years of this godly woman who lived out her life in Christ so beautifully.

I'm thankful that Granny is finally in heaven: the Home she talked about often.  Even though I'm not "home" to commemorate her life with the rest of my family, I'm so grateful for the memories that God has given me and the reality that she's not gone for good. I just haven't made it to where she's at.  Yet.

And yes, life here on earth moves forward.  I'm here in South America for a reason.  Many reasons, no doubt.  I'm trusting God with that, and asking for a soft heart to be receptive to His work and His plans.  And speaking of plans, as I return to the States, I'll be transitioning into a short season of planning for our wedding as well.  But in all these things, as life continues, what a good reminder I have that there's more to life than this.  We are not home yet, but only on the journey to get Home.

Thank you, God, for the earthly family you have given me.  Thank you for my grandmother, and thank you for bringing her Home to you.

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