Friday, December 21, 2012

T-Minus 15 Days...

"For nothing will be impossible with God."

This is what the angel told Mary when he appeared to her to announce that she - a virgin - would have a child who would be God's son,  Jesus (Luke 1:37).  Jesus later echoed this same truth to his disciples when they asked how anyone could actually be saved: "What is impossible with man is possible with God" (Luke 18:27).

How true this is in so MANY areas of my life....but today, I focus on how God has provided in every detail of His plans for me to go to South America.  When I started sending out support letters at the beginning of November, the idea of gathering $34,000 to be in Peru by December or even January seemed....well, not far from impossible.  I encountered plenty of raised eyebrows and surprised expressions along the way, and I, too, had to constantly remind myself that I was in God's timeframe and in His will. Not mine. Not SIM's. My plans were (and are) in God's hands.

He has clearly moved in so many details to bring me to where I am now: 80%+ funded and ready to go with tickets booked for a January 5th departure to Lima. YAY!!!!  Thank you, God.  I love how you take my weakness and inability and highlight Your power through these areas of my life.

South America, here I come!  ....More on that to come :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations,Rachel. And Happy New Year on your adventure! Thanks for telling me about your blog. I hope you are able to keep posting. I just made a NYE post in my blog:
