Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Step By Step

WOW.  Walking with God is a beautiful thing.  Faith in God is both precious and yet seemingly precarious, invigorating and yet oh so peaceful.

I was reminded of this anew today as I was praying through TRUSTING in God with HIS work in HIS timing. That's been a pretty resounding struggle for me lately. And by struggle, I mean I've seen both failure and triumph in surrendering fully to God. It's a constant challenge, of course, and one I don't think I'll master as long as I'm living and breathing on this planet. But the beauty of walking with God is that He is always there. Always leading. Always ready to restore. Redeem. Heal. Perfect. God IS WITH us.

Thank you, God.

So speaking of faith, it's been a step-by-step, "by faith and not sight" type of journey as I've pursued missions with SIM.  I'll save those details for another post, but wow: God is at work.

Even in the last few days, I've watched as $14,000 of the $34,000 in needed support has been sent in, and in generous and abundant ways. God provides. His timing is perfect. His work is GOOD.

Thank you, God.

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